Bluestone Mines Tasmania Joint Venture is dedicated to protecting the unique ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural beauty of Tasmania through responsible mining practices and environmental stewardship.

Renison is working to modernise its operations and address legacy environmental issues, some of which date back to the commencement of production from the current plant in the 1960’s. Recent projects to improve and rectify environmental issues include a mine discharge water treatment plant, a new site sewage treatment plant, upgrades to site refuelling infrastructure, a paste backfill plant to store a portion of our tailings underground and a new replacement mill thickener that allows better recycling and control of our waste materials.

Sustainable Mining Practices
We implement strategies to strike a balance between mining resources and conservation to minimize our environmental footprint.

Conservation Partnerships
We collaborate with environmental organizations, government agencies, and local stakeholders to ensure the long-term sustainability of Tasmania’s environment.

Community Engagement
Bluestone Mines Tasmania Joint Venture believes in building strong, lasting relationships with our communities, listening to them, and actively involving them in our decision-making processes.

Social and Economic Development
We are committed to supporting the economic growth and well-being of our communities by creating job opportunities, supporting local businesses, and contributing to infrastructure and education initiatives.

Health and Safety
At Bluestone Mines Tasmania Joint Venture, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our employees and the communities we operate in by implementing rigorous safety protocols and providing resources for health and well-being programs.

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